Educators Must Show Up for Marginalized Youth

Gender and sexual diversity is ancient and global, not new. The escalating bigotry on trans and non-binary youth are connected to the dog-whistle racism of campaigns against critical race theory. To consolidate political power in the wake of the failed January 6 coup, the far right is targeting Black history and stoking bigotry against gender…

Getting Comfortable with Uncomfortability: 5 Things to Consider as a Co-Conspirator of Historically Marginalized Students

Currently, there are so many acts of injustice happening within our education system and beyond.  We still have banned books lists populating the internet airwaves the attempt to mute the voices of historically excluded communities. In thinking about all this, we must remember that being a true co-conspirator within any liberatory movement requires us to…

ChatGPT and the Equitable Classroom

We often fear the unknown, and this is certainly the case with AI technology. Maybe we’ve seen too many movies in which the robots take over. Maybe we fear, rightfully so, that new technology will lead to making some of our careers obsolete. Maybe we fear, though we hate to admit, that we will never…