Looking for ready-to-implement PD on Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning?


Are you looking to shift the discourse at your school regarding your students of color to an asset-based approach?


Do you want a PD solution that can easily plug-in to your existing structure?

adaptivex lite module, adpativex lite modules

The AdaptiveX modules are an entry point aimed at beginning the process of changing practice in service of educational equity! The AdaptiveX Lite Self-Paced Modules address 6 of our research-based promising practices for Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning. Designed for teachers and support staff who work directly, the modules focus on building foundational knowledge about the connection between culturally responsive teaching and the promising practice. The modules leverage best practices in instructional design that teachers can use with students right away. They are hosted in our online AdaptiveX  Learning Management System

culturally responsive teaching, adaptivex

With these online modules, educators will begin to learn the pedagogical underpinnings for AdaptiveX’s culturally responsive promising practices while learning concrete skills and practices they can implement in their classroom right away. They create an invitation to shift practice and can be built upon in later workshop offerings.


Participants/learners are actively engaged in: 


  • Deepening understanding of the pedagogical underpinning for AdaptiveX’s culturally responsive promising practices 
  • Learning concrete skills and practices to implement in the classroom right away
  • Applying and integrating their learning to current classroom practice
  • Developing or deepening reflective practice as it relates to culturally responsive practice and knowledge of self
  • Experiencing effective teaching practices, such as literacy, reflection, and differentiation strategies through the module design and activities

The modules follow this basic sequence of experiences: Orientation, Opening Reflection, Learning, Transfer to Practice and Closing Reflection & Next Steps.

Perfect for:


  • School-based PLC’s
  • New teacher training
  • Grade level or Subject level PLC’s

Easy to plug into your existing professional development program!


Hear From REAL Teachers

“The lesson plan template was LOVELY. I really loved “The Silence Dialogue” article as well to discuss the power element.” – Shane, CA. Instructional Coach

“What I learned in this module about Co-creating will help my students feel safe, inclusive, and have a voice.” – Jennifer, MA, HS English Teacher

“These are practical examples that I can implement.” Stacey, CA, HS Math Teacher

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